What is Lady Rage Exchange?

This is a community where like-minded women can exchange ideas and ask questions about how they can make a difference in the 2024 election, so that Trump is vanquished and the Democrats obtain majorities in the Senate, the House, and all down every state and local ballot.

Who is Lady Rage Exchange for?

Women who are furious at the staggering erosion of our constitutional rights and who are absolutely terrified at the prospect of another Trump presidency as well as GOP takeovers of state and local governments.

How can Lady Rage Exchange help?

When I have felt overwhelmed and helpless at the state of our country these past 8+ years, what has calmed my panic and given me inspiration is learning about how others are taking action. It’s my hope that LRE serves the same purpose for other women who are feeling powerless and don’t know where to start.

Subscribe to The Lady Rage Exchange

An idea-sharing collective to help us turn our anger and panic into action.


Pissed off since 1981. Riot Grrl. GenX. Mom. Sagittarius. Jersey. Imposter Syndrome. Books. Music. Makes | Cooks | Grows. Ambivalent Suburbanite.